DCAB Alternative Text Training


The Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB) presents this course for enhancing their series of web and digital content accessibility training. Each of the following lessons provides information and hands-on application of alternative text (Alt text) for images used to convey information to users who may be blind or visually impaired. The first three lessons will provide the basics for applying alternative text (Alt text) to images and the next 2 resources are for future reference. Each lesson is self-contained with an exercise at the end to help reinforce the main emphasis of the topic being discussed. You may take each at your own leisure and there are no time limits for completion.

Course Guide

All three lessons are structured in the following manner: 

  1. Topic name describing the content with an accompanying audio file,
  2. The subject matter, in two to three brief paragraphs, relating to the topic,
  3. Exercises to practice and reinforce the subject matter, and
  4. Navigation icon and next lesson description to proceed.

The practice exercises can be skipped and are not required to complete to advance to the next lesson. Each lesson has practical examples that emphasize typical alternative text applications. There are no scores or grades applied to complete the course and no restrictions on how many times anyone may take the course. If you need any assistance with the course or have questions, please contact tconway@hawaii.edu.