2016-2017 Annual Report

Director’s Message

Photo: Pat Morrissey

I joined the Center on Disability Studies (CDS), as director, on September 1, 2016. It has been a rewarding and productive year. Everyone at CDS has been a genuine resource to me – sharing and explaining all sorts of things so my acclimation would be swift. I put JoAnn Yuen, Associate Director of CDS, Jean Johnson, former Associate Director of CDS, Bob Stodden, the only former director of CDS (with a 30 plus-year tenure) at the top of the list of 75 plus CDS employees who supported me in so many ways and are sharers in any success I may claim. Dean Don Young of the College of Education met with me faithfully every two weeks this first year, orienting me to the higher education community, introducing me to faculty, and patiently answering endless questions.

I have had the opportunity to work on a new, five-year grant, the Jobs Now Partnership, in which CDS has the opportunity to partner with the Hawaii Developmental Disabilities Council and agencies in the Hawaii Departments of Education, Health, and Human Services to strengthen our state’s commitment to job seekers with developmental disabilities.

What has been amazing to me is the breadth and depth of expertise at CDS and the commitment to our mission. You will see what I mean as you read the CDS Annual Report for 2016-2017. Here are some highlights

As you can see from these highlights, CDS fears no challenge, embraces all kinds of solutions, and assists many. Its staff is fully committed to conducting research and demonstration projects, offering training opportunities, and providing technical assistance and service to state and community partners so that people with disabilities, regardless of age, location, circumstance, or severity of disability, experience the ability to contribute and participate in community life.

Thank you.

Patricia Morrissey, Ph.D.
Center on Disability Studies


The Center on Disability Studies (CDS), College of Education, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa has a proud track record, reaching back to 1988. This past year is no exception. Under the leadership of its dynamic new director, Dr. Patricia Morrissey, CDS continued its commitment to support people with disabilities and their families through research, training, and service– disseminating the results of its work to consumers, professionals, students, and policymakers. Stakeholders have a critical voice as the CDS determines its priorities for addressing the needs of persons with any type of disability, across the lifespan from birth through the end-of-life.

CDS mission is to explore with others how to make all aspects of community living possible for individuals with disabilities. In the pursuit of this outcome, CDS begins with stakeholder input. In many instances CDS is a valued partner with state and regional organizations to respond to their need for evaluation studies. CDS designs and offers many training programs; community-based demonstrations to build local capacity to improve services to individuals with disabilities; and conducts numerous dissemination activities. Each initiative has a strong evaluation component. Some highlights are provided below:

More CDS Highlights

New Funding

New Grants and Contracts, and Grant Continuation and Contract Extension Activity – 2016-2017


Number of proposals or grant/contract modifications submitted.


Number of new proposals funded as of July 7, 2017.


Number of funding decisions pending/not known.

Projects and Outcomes

CDS projects promote diverse abilities across the lifespan through interdisciplinary training, research, and service.


It has been an interesting year. Patricia Morrissey took over as Director of CDS on September 1, 2017. As of July 1, 2017, CDS is pleased to have sufficient grant and contract work to sustain 37 faculty, 16 staff involved in budgeting and administrative support, 5 graduate assistants, 12 temporary hires, 8 students, and 8 uncompensated faculty. CDS lost three senior colleagues through retirements or new job opportunities. Nonetheless, when opportunities that match their skills and experience surface, CDS intends to reach out to these three and hopes to partner with them once again.

CDS Partners

Illustration: Tree

CDS Partners with Over 180 State, Local and International organizations

The CDS faculty and staff participate in numerous local and national disability-related groups providing leadership in non-profit and community organizations. Faculty and staff also participate in other nondisability related groups, providing an opportunity to insert disability issues into these organizations.

Future Plans

CDS, under its new director, has plans to institutionalize many of the exciting things it does well, so that future generations of CDS staff have replication workbooks on grant writing, contract negotiations, securing stakeholders, capacity building, community engagement, and empowerment. CDS wants to invest more energy in diversifying its funding portfolio, especially in the private sector. CDS will make a systematic effort in mentoring young staff — exposing them to opportunities and experiences to stretch their abilities and build new strengths. And finally, CDS intends to make its website the most dynamic and community-friendly it can be.