Kalihi Community Technology Centers: Outcomes

  • Hundreds use the center to access the Internet, apply for jobs, learn word processing and digital art, to improve their literacy skills, and to help other participants.
  • 12 public schools in Kalihi Valley and 10 community-based agencies collaborate (including Assistive Technology Resource Center, Department of Health, HCAP, Housing and Community Development, Kokua Kalihi Valley, PACT/KPT, YMCA, Parks and Recreation, Honolulu Police Department, and the University of Hawai‘i).
  • Over 3,000 children and adults are enrolled in one or more of 100 activities offered. Activities are as diverse as horticulture, aerobic kick boxing, street dance, mathematics tutorials, and family albums on computer, chosen to meet the greatest needs of the students and the community.
  • Reading, writing, problem solving, and communication have been infused in all these activities.
  • Activities have been enjoyed, grades have improved, and juvenile crime has decreased in Kalihi more than any other area in the state.

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