
Family Engagement to Transform Education

This Report prepared by Global Family Research Project provides Principles of Research and Practice for Building Family and Community Engagement. They recommend 5 areas that can make up the core of family engagement which are: attendance, data sharing, academic and social development, digital media, and transitions. Download this free report and find out more about the Principles of Effective Family Engagement.

Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home

The evidence supporting the practice guide recommendations comes from studies examining interventions in school-based settings; therefore, although the practices described in the tips might be effective in home settings, we did not assess studies of these practices involving parents or caregivers at home. This is a What Works Clearing House Publication with the Institute of Education Sciences.

Developing Young Children’s Brain

This resource from Boston wants to support families with children starting at birth. Science shows that 80% of brain growth happens by the age of three! Beginning from birth, young brains develop like little muscles, getting bigger and stronger the more you and your family interact with your child. Additionally, you can learn five fun, simple, and powerful ways to help all our children aged 0-3 grow to be happy and smart: What are the Basics?