Application Details for Parent Hui

Apply online via Google Form by Monday, 1/9/23

Work smarter not harder

We strongly suggest that you gather all the information you need before going online to apply. Please be ready with:

  • Your school’s mailing address & phone number
  • Your school administrator/director’s name & email

Additionally, you may want to use a word processor to type your answers to the questions below then copy and paste into the Google Form application.

You will receive an email copy of your application after submission. If you do not receive this confirmation, your application did not submit properly- e kala mai. Please redo.

If you apply, you agree to these things 

  1. Attend and fully participate in four (4) online live Zoom meetings.
  2. Actively participate in our private online social community on Slack.
  3. Keep in regular contact with your Hui facilitator.
  4. Complete 3 rounds of data (pre hui, post hui, and 5- month post hui) for project evaluation.

Full participant Agreement Details (Sample from  Hui 8; You will be sent updated Agreement for your Hui):

We want to hear from you!
Please reflect on these questions and answer thoughtfully

Why do you want to participate in this Parent Hui?

Your presence is celebrated. What strengths do you bring and how can you contribute to our group?

Self reflection

What are three things you are most passionate about?

What do you want H-PEP staff and especially your Hui facilitator to know about you?