Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks to a generous grant by the US Department of Education Native Hawaiian Education Program, the fee to join H-PEP is waived. H-PEP is only looking for applicants who are committed to fully participating, completing the 4 weeks in their entirety, and submitting all required data on time.

Bio, hānai, and adopted moms, dads, and kupuna, as well as anyone else who is the main caretaker of a keiki. Are you helping to raise a keiki and consider yourself in a parental role? We welcome you to participate! We are looking for parents of Pre-K to Grade 1 keiki for Hui 8.

We are especially interested in supporting Native Hawaiian parents and those who have Native Hawaiian keiki.

To apply and be accepted, you must be able to attend at least 3 of the 4 Zoom meetings. 

January 2023 Hui 11

  • Saturdays, 10:00- 11:00 am HST
  • January 14, 21 28, and February 4, 2023

SESSION 1. Meet your Hui! Focus on connecting with your keiki through bookmaking. Learn the importance of early literacy. 

SESSION 2. How to select books and engage with your keiki.

SESSION 3. Introduction of the SHELLS (Storytelling for the Home Enrichment of Language and Literacy Skills) process. Learn the SHELLS steps, how to collect the best photos and materials for your personalized books, and ideas for book extensions.

SESSION 4. Celebrating and sharing the books we made with our keiki! 

We understand this is a big time commitment. Sessions will be recorded and posted in your private Slack Community but as all know, watching a video is not the same as being there live!

Weekly meetings will be on Zoom. You will need a computer (recommended) or smart phone that connects to the internet. You will also need a webcam so we can see you and ability to turn your microphone on so that we can hear you. These are interactive meetings, and there will be Talk Story time each week. Get ready to dive in and interact with your Hui!

H-PEP is a big fan of Google! All Hui data forms will be submitted using Google Forms, information will be written in Google Docs, and weekly videos posted on YouTube.

Additionally, H-PEP will use Slack (, a closed social media community, to communicate with Hui 8. This is our way of keeping in touch throughout the month. You can access Slack via a desktop, desktop app, or mobile app. All important information will be dispersed via our Slack community. Participants must log on regularly- to check for information, post responses, and respond to others’ posts.

We’d love to hear from you!

Project Director Dr. Naomi Rombaoa Tanaka


Phone- Please leave a voicemail: (808) 956-3433