Kiwila Project - A Civics Curriculum Grant

Project Dates: 2006 – 2009
Funded by: Native Hawaiian Education Program
The ultimate goal of the Kiwila Project is to increase the proportion of Native Hawaiian youth and adults who are knowledgeable about and actively engaged in civic affairs as the basis for improving educational and employment outcomes (kiwila is a Hawaiian word meaning “civic, civil”). The project will work towards this goal by developing and field testing civics curricula for grades 4, 8 and 12. The curricula will be culturally responsive to the needs of Native Hawaiian students and based on principles of differentiated instruction and universal design for effective use with students of all ability levels and learning styles.
The proposed project addresses the following authorized activities:
- Activities to meet the special needs of Native Hawaiian students with disabilities;
- The development of academic curricula to address the needs of Native Hawaiian children including curriculum materials that incorporate Native Hawaiian tradition and culture; and
- Professional development activities for educators, including in-service programs to improve the ability of teachers who teach in schools with high concentrations of Native Hawaiian students to meet those students unique needs.
In addition, the proposed project also addresses the competitive preference priority of addressing the needs of at-risk children and youth. The curricula design will focus on meeting the needs of students who are most at-risk of failure. By focusing on students who are most at-risk and those with disabilities, other students will be better served as well.
The following short term goals/activities will be met thus increasing the civic knowledge and engagement of students.
Goal 1: Strategize the Project Plan Using a Collaborative Team Approach Involving All Stakeholder Groups
Goal 2: Develop Culturally Responsive Civics Curricula for Grades 4, 8, and 12
Goal 3: Develop Teacher In-Service Training Materials Emphasizing Native Hawaiian Culture and the Learning Styles of Native Hawaiian Youth
Goal 4: Field Test the Curricula and Revise
Goal 5: Assess the Efficacy of the Curricula Using Test and Control Groups of Students
Goal 6: Disseminate and Sustain the Curricula