Disability and Communication Access Board
Administers a state test to applicants for competency in English to American Sign Language (ASL) and ASL to English interpretation
and awards continuing education units for maintaining credentials. Maintains a statewide database of communication access providers
(interpreters, real-time captioners, and computer-assisted note takers).
Voice & TTY: (808) 586-8121, http://hawaii.gov/health/dcab/home/
Hawai‘i Association of the Blind
Consists of individuals who are blind or visually impaired whose goals are to work toward independence, security, equality of
opportunity and improved quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people.
Call: (808) 521-6213, http://www.acb.org/hawaii/
Hawai‘i School for the Deaf and the Blind
A public education facility that provides services to the deaf, blind and deaf-blind students on Oahu.
Call: (808) 733-4999, http://www.hcdb.k12.hi.us/
Hawai‘i Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
An affiliate chapter of the national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), a professional organization dedicated to the
advancement of the field of professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting. Maintains a list of RID certified interpreters for
the public to use to contact interpreters directly.
Call: (808) 429-3553, www.hawaiirid.org
A branch of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Human Services that provides comprehensive services and
specialized services to meet the varied needs of persons who are blind, both deaf and blind, or visually impaired.
The Library for the Blind and Physical Handicap
A part of the Hawai‘i State Library System that provides resources, information and assistance to public library users who
require materials in accessible formats.
Call: (808) 732-7767, http://www.librarytechnology.org/lwc-displaylibrary.pl?RC=16534