Community Information Resources

Center on Disability Studies (CDS), University of Hawai‘i at Manoa

Focuses on development and conduct of interdisciplinary training, research, and service relating to individuals with disabilities and
the community.

Call: (808) 956-5096 or (808) 956-9797,

Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB)

Provides education, outreach, guidance and technical assistance on disability issues, building, facility and site accessibility
compliance, and accessibility of State and county programs and free and appropriate public education under the ADA. Promulgates
administrative rules for the utilization of communication access service providers, and issuance of parking placards.

Voice or TTY: (808) 586-8121,

Family 2 Family

Provides one-stop for information and referral, technical assistance and training by parents and friends of children with special
health care needs. Provides FREE and confidential assistance to families raising children and youth with disabilities, self-advocates and
the professionals who serve them.

Call: (808) 791-3467,

Hawai‘i Disability Rights Center

Protects and promotes the human, civil and legal rights of individuals with disabilities through the provision of information and
advocacy services. Provides individual advocacy services statewide for individuals with disabilities who have been discriminated against
by service providing agencies in the community.

Call: (808) 949-2922, Toll-Free: 1-800-882-1057,

Hawai‘i State Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD Council)

Plans, coordinates, evaluates, and monitors services that encourage self-determination for individuals with developmental or
intellectual disabilities.

Call: (808) 586-8100,