Department of Health
The mission of the DOH is to protect and improve the health and environment of all people in Hawai‘i.
- General Information: (808) 586-4400,
- Developmental Disabilities Division: (808) 586-5840
Case Management: (808) 733-9172 - Adult Mental Health (24/7 Access): (808) 832-3100
Toll-free: (1-800-753-6879 - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division
Call: (808) 453-5900 (Pearl City)
Call: (808) 733-9393 (Honolulu)
Call: (808) 692-7700 (Leeward)
Call: (808) 233-3770 (Windward)
Health care insurance provider for individuals and families in Hawai‘i.
Call: (808) 948-6111,
Kaiser Permenante
Health care insurance provider for individuals and families in Hawai‘i.
Call: (808)-432-5955, Toll-Free TTY: 1-877-447-5990,