Services are restricted to participants who are part of their organization with the exception of The American Red Cross.
American Red Cross Hawai‘i State Chapter
Responds when disasters have affected people’s living quarters, assisting with basic human needs, mental health, and health services. All services are free to the people of Hawai‘i.
24/7 contact: (808) 226-3911,
Arc in Hawai‘i
Provides services to people with developmental and intellectual disabilities regarding access to services and supports needed to make informed choices about where to live, learn and work.
Call: (808) 737-7995,
Easter Seals
Provides services and supports equal opportunities to all people with disabilities including people with developmental or intellectual disabilities.
Call: (808) 536-1015,
Goodwill Industries of Hawai‘i, Inc
Assists people with disabilities who have employment barriers, providing job placement, career development, education and training statewide.
Call: (808) 836-0313,
Hawai‘i Centers for Independent Living
Provides services to people of any age with any type of disability to live independently.
Call: (808) 522-5400,
Helemano Plantations
Serves individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Services include a self-supporting residential program at Helemano Village, training and employment opportunities.
Call: (808) 622-3929,
Lanakila Pacific
Teaches independent living skills that enable adults with disabilities to reach their goals and potential.
Call: (808)531-0555,
Responsive Caregivers of Hawai‘i
Provides programs and services for integration of individuals with developmental disabilities and other disabilities into the community with positive relationships.
Call: (808) 488-7391,