Alternative Text is added directly to the image and will be embedded with it as the image is moved or used elsewhere. All recent authoring programs (i.e., MSOffice and Google Docs) have both a menu-driven option and direct selection option (typically using a combination of keystroke and right-click mouse) to show a menu of actions relating to the selected image.
Remember, not all authoring program menus look or work the same, you may have to search using the program’s Help feature to locate the appropriate menu.
Once the text has been added to the Alt Text box description option and a title for the image (short and direct) put in the Title box, click the OK (or SAVE) button to save.
Many updated authoring programs now require an Alt Text be added to images before uploading. It is important to remember how the image will be used in the context of the document or webpage before assigning a description. It may be necessary to apply different Alt Text descriptions to the same image saved as multiple files (i.e., logos).