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Common sense about under-representation issue: a school-wide approach to increase participation of diverse students in programs that develop talents and gifted behaviors in young people


Talent Development, Student Diversity, Disproportionate Representation, Gifted Education, Evaluation Methods, Screening Tests, Talent Identification, Performance Based Assessment, Enrichment Activities, Decision Making

Renzulli, J. S., & Brandon, L. E.


Changing demographics in schools around the world have raised questions about the nature and role of gifted education programs. An intense interest m the underrepresentation of students from low-income families and minority groups m gifted education programs has caused the field to re-examine both identification and services. In this article, the authors discuss the larger issues related to identification and programming, including ata about the extent of the problem in American schools. We review the recommendations and suggested practices made by other researchers and writers in the field for improving the representation of diverse students n gifted programs and provide examples of efforts taking place in schools that are dealing with this challenge. The authors conclude by describing how a specific approach developed over decades shows promise in addressing the problem of under-representation.