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Mindset in the classroom: a national study of K-12 teachers

The Education Week Research Center


Survey Results, Growth Mindset, Intervention, Student Achievement


The concept of growth mindset — the belief that intelligence can be developed through effort — has gained considerable attention in K-12 education in recent years. To learn more about educators’ experiences and views regarding growth mindset, the Education Week Research Center developed an original survey and administered it to a national sample of more than 600 K-12 teachers in May 2016. This study comes at a time when experts have raised questions about whether teachers might have key misconceptions regarding growth mindset that could undermine its effectiveness when put into practice with students. This report presents findings from the survey, which was designed to examine teachers’ perspectives, professional development and training, and classroom practices. Educators believe growth mindset has great potential for teaching and learning. Nearly all survey respondents (98%) agree that using growth mindset in the classroom will lead to improved student learning. Nearly as many report that it will improve the quality of their instruction. However, putting growth mindset into practice poses significant challenges. Only 20 percent of teachers strongly believe they are good at fostering a growth mindset in their own students. They have even less confidence in their fellow teachers and school administrators. And just one in five say they have deeply integrated growth mindset into their teaching practice.