ACE Reading — Case Study

I Can Read! — Self Modeling to Help Young Children with Reading Difficulties

This article clarifies how self modeling methods can be used in the context of teaching young students with reading difficulties.
It begins with a case example to illustrate the procedures of video self modeling in a remedial reading tutoring program. We define two types of self modeling and provide examples of media such as print, pictures, audio, and multimedia used in classroom settings for self modeling. The article ends with suggestions on how self modeling techniques can be applied in teaching many skills other readers to advance their knowledge and skill about topics related to self modeling, media, and reading disabilities.

Weol Soon Kim-Rupnow, John Anderson, Renee Galbavy, and Peter W. Dowrick
Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Copyright is held by authors, downloadable for personal use, please acknowledge original authors.

“What! Can Gino really read the story, by himself? Yesterday he couldn’t read at all for me.”

These are the common responses from teachers who first watch their student’s feedforward video, a type of self modeling, which has been carefully edited to show future potential reading performance. Teachers then start to ask a series of questions including: “What is self modeling?”; “Why do you have to edit?”; “How do you make a feedforward videotape?”; “How do you use it?”; “Can I use other media for self modeling like photos, as described by Lazarus (1998)?”; and so on. This article addresses these questions, clarifying the self modeling methodology and providing examples in the context of teaching reading for young students with reading difficulties.

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