

Dowrick, P.W. (1991). Practical guide to using video in the behavioral sciences (pp. 109-126). New York: Wiley. Chapter 7: Feedforward and Self Modeling

Video replay can be deliberately structured through planning and editing in various ways. This chapter describes the application of self modeling, in which recordings show only adaptive behavior. The term feedforward is coined to refer to video images of target skills not yet achieved, created by editing together component behaviors that are manageable for the trainee or client. Principles are presented for creating video feedforward and positive self-review, which refers to selectively compiling the best recorded examples of target skills already manageable but infrequently achieved. Applications of self modeling are reviewed and issues raised about mechanisms, limitations, and strengths are discussed. These issues include subject participation and awareness, efficacy compared with other interventions (including peer modeling and unedited replay), and when and when not to use different forms of self modeling. The methodology is summarized based on successful applications in different areas: disruptive behavior, selective mutism, depression, anxiety, sports, social skills, physical disabilities, and provider training. The chapter ends with a step-by-step description of developing and implementing a self modeling-based package for the training of social safety skills in young adults with developmental disabilities: assessment, task analysis, video capture, editing, viewing the tapes, and evaluation.

Feedforwarding and Self-Modeling – PDF Format

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