American Samoa Community College University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities - A seal with a graphic of three people raising and holding hands.

American Samoa UCEDD (AS UCEDD)


To assure that individuals with developmental disabilities of all ages and their families participate fully in activities that will design and promote self-determination, independence, integration and inclusion in all facets of life that is culturally competent in American Samoa.


American Samoa UCEDD is one of 68 UCEDDs across the United States and Territories.  Its uniqueness is to maintain autonomy and an organizational structure required to carry out its mission and to implement mandated activities. This is due to assurances required that the legal and human rights of individuals assisted by this program will be protected consistent with the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000.


Tafaimamao Tua-Tupuola Headshot

Tafaimamao L. Tua-Tupuola, MEd

State Director

Headshot: Tiana Keener

Tiana A. Keener, BS

Project Coordinator 

Lesina Faleniko Headshot

Lesina Faleniko

Office Assistant

Headshot: Heather Lee

Heather Lee, BAS

Assistant Trainer


1. American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter Certification

2. No Wrong Door - Social Isolation

3. No Wrong Door - Vaccine Access

4. Self-Advocacy

5. Emergency Preparedness

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