Spiky Profile – Exceptional Individuals
Source: https://exceptionalindividuals.com/candidates/neurodiversity-resources/spiky-profile/

Spiky Profile – Exceptional Individuals

The “spiky profile” is a visual representation of personal and work-related strengths and areas for development. Unlike psychometric testing, the aim of the spiky profile is to promote inclusivity rather than exclusivity. People with a neurodivergence are more likely to perform highly in some areas, and lower in others. This means that their “skill profile” looks “spiky” with peaks and valleys, rather than a consistent ‘middle ground’. The purpose of completing the spiky cognitive profile is to identify factors that may impact your personal career journey, to play to your strengths and develop in other areas.

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Autism Training Modules
Source: https://thompsoncenter.missouri.edu/event/webinar-what-is-autism-spectrum-disorder/

Autism Training Modules

These full-length modules cover a range of essential topics. From understanding autism in young children to the screening and referral process, evidence-based practices and interventions, transition to adulthood, and building the family-professional partnership, these modules offer comprehensive information to empower you on your journey of learning. Certificate available upon completion. Developed by the Mid-Missouri Rapid Response Initiative and funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities.

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