Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU)

DREU is a highly selective program that matches students with a faculty mentor for a summer research experience at the faculty mentor’s home institution. DREU interns will receive $700 per week for research (up to 10 weeks), and have the opportunity to be directly involved in a research project and interact with graduate students and professors on a daily basis. This experience is invaluable for those who are considering graduate school; DREU will provide a close-up view of what graduate school is really like and increase interns’ competitiveness as an applicant for graduate admissions and fellowships. Faculty mentors will have the opportunity to work on their research project with new students from other institutions and to mentor future graduate students.DREU was a joint project of CRA-WP and the Coalition to Diversify Computing (CDC). DREU is supported by the National Science Foundation. Additionally, DREU partners with other organizations committed to broadening participation in computing to administer their summer REU programs including, the NSF funded Institute for African-American Mentoring in Computer Sciences (iAAMCS), and the NSF funded Alliance for Access to Computing Careers (AccessComputing).

    • Offered By: Computing Research Association Widening Participation (CRA-WP)
    • For: Applicants should be students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree at an institution in the U.S. or its territories. Applicants should be interested in doing research in computing. International Students may apply, however, most of the funds for the DREU program are restricted to US citizens and permanent residents, so the number of non-US student participants will be limited. All Undergraduates are welcome, and rising Sophomores are especially encouraged to apply. Persons from populations underrepresented in computing including women, Black/African American, Native American/Alaskan Native/ Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, LGBTQAI+, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans are encouraged to apply.

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