Neurodivergent Therapists

This directory was created to help neurodivergent clients find neurodivergent therapists. All providers on the directory identify as neurodivergent and agree to honor the Neurodivergent Therapists Values.
The directory includes the following licensed providers: professional counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists.
We pre-screen all providers who are listed on the directory to confirm their licensure. We do not and cannot make any guarantees regarding services offered by these individual providers. Please contact us if you have concerns about a provider on the directory.
Use the menu to find your state/country. After you find your state/country, you can begin viewing the providers who offer services where you live. You can contact providers directly by clicking the email, phone number, or website under their listing.

    • Offered By: Neurodivergent Therapists
    • For: Neurodivergent individuals seeking neurodivergent healthcare specialists

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