YES Abroad

YES Abroad

YES Abroad offers participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in the life of one of 14 countries for an academic year (10 months). The YES Program focuses on countries with significant Muslim populations. Participants develop critical global leadership skills, promote mutual understanding, and form lasting ties in their host communities by living with a host family and attending local high school.

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National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y)

National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y)

The DO-IT Center and Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) at the University of Washington sponsor a five-day program for neurodivergent students during the summer. High school and college students receive an introduction to neuroscience and neural engineering, neuroethics, and scientific communication. Participants will learn about research in CNT laboratories. The goal is to provide students with exposure to the field of neural engineering and provide basic preparation for college studies in STEM subjects as well as future STEM careers. Applications for our August summer program are currently accepted for the upcoming summer. Priority is given to students who apply by March 15, and applications received after that date are considered on a space-available basis. Students who complete the summer program will be offered continued activities throughout the school year. There is no cost to students accepted into this program. The application process is competitive.​

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Spiky Profile – Exceptional Individuals

Spiky Profile – Exceptional Individuals

The “spiky profile” is a visual representation of personal and work-related strengths and areas for development. Unlike psychometric testing, the aim of the spiky profile is to promote inclusivity rather than exclusivity. People with a neurodivergence are more likely to perform highly in some areas, and lower in others. This means that their “skill profile” looks “spiky” with peaks and valleys, rather than a consistent ‘middle ground’. The purpose of completing the spiky cognitive profile is to identify factors that may impact your personal career journey, to play to your strengths and develop in other areas.

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