Family Guides: Supporting Learning Grades K – 5

The Family Guides Grades K-5, which the Hawai’i Statewide Family Engagement Center has compiled in this publication, were developed by Seek Common Ground and Student Achievement Partners.

The Family Guides Grades K-5 support families in developing a better understanding of what grade-level standards in literacy and math are and what children ought to know and be able to do to meet them. They also offer strategies families can adopt to keep their children’s learning on track or help them catch up. Particularly useful are the sections which explain educational words, provide tips on how to communicate with teachers, and list additional tools and resources.


  • What Your Child Should Know & Be Able to Do – What experts say is the most important content (knowledge and skills) for students to learn by the end of kindergarten.
  • Everyday Activities to Support Learning – We’ve included some ways you can support your child in learning important content and skills in literacy and math.
  • Education Words – Sometimes, you’ll hear educators use a word that has a specific meaning in schools. Those words are bolded. Understanding those terms will help you speak the same language.
  • Tips for Talking with Teachers – How you and your child’s teacher can work together to help your child grow.
  • Tools and Resources to Help – We’ve chosen a few internet resources that best match each grade’s content.