Parenting During a Pandemic: Webinar series
Parenting During a Pandemic FREE Webinar Series covers topics that families in the Kailua-Kalāheo complex area expressed interest in during this unprecedented time. These webinars were offered through a collaboration between the Kailua-Kalāheo Complex Academic Office and the Hawaii Statewide Family Engagement Center.
Topics include:
- Trauma Informed Classrooms and Practices for Families and Communities
- Sex Trafficking Outreach and Prevention Program (STOPP)
- Parenting a Strong-Willed Child
- Recognizing Signs of Depression in Children and Teens
- Motivating Children to Learn
- Strategies to Manage Stress and Anxiety
Visit their website to register for upcoming webinars and view recordings of the presentations, the presenter’s slideshow, handouts, and additional resources on the webinar’s topic.