Junior Mentor High School Program
The Ka Pilina Noʻeau II Junior Mentoring Program at the University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa is for high school students interested in developing leadership and professional skills. Throughout the training sessions, participants will practice soft skills through a variety of activities including hands-on, culturally responsive STEM lessons.
Junior Mentors will go through an application process and will be compensated with a stipend of up to $500 for their participation in the program activities. At the completion of the program, Junior Mentors will have the opportunity to serve as cross-age peer mentors and STEM role models to participating PreK-5 students during our summer camps held at various sites in Hawaiʻi.
Ka Pilina Noʻeau 2 Spring Camp 2022
Past Junior Mentors
Summer 2024

Alohiau M.

Kaʻipoʻokala M.

Kaulana L.

Keilanaokalani P.
Summer 2022

Winter-Spring 2022

Aaron L.

Arya T.

Cassidie K.

Kelly Ann I.

Zachary F.
Summer 2021

Read about our Junior Mentor activities.
Past Events
See examples of Ka Pilina Noʻeau II activities in our Summer 2021 STEM Camps.
Want to Apply to Be a Junior Mentor?
Learn more about Ka Pilina Noʻeau II’s High School Mentoring Program by reading the FAQ’s below.
Ka Pilina No‘eau II is a 3-year project funded by the US Department of Education, Native Hawaiian Education Program (Award # S362A200037). The ultimate goal is to improve mathematics and science outcomes of K-5th grade students. Ka Pilina No‘eau II has three major components: Adult Mentor Training/Teacher Professional Development, Junior Mentor Program, and Student STEM Camps. Students, Adult Mentors, and Junior Mentors will be recruited from various sites throughout Hawaiʻi. You will fill the Junior Mentor role within the program.
As a Junior Mentor, you will attend training sessions in which you will practice and develop soft skills including professionalism, communication, problem solving, enthusiasm, teamwork, and networking. During the sessions, participants will be exposed to a variety of STEM fields and work on hands-on, culturally responsive STEM activities adapted from Ka Pilina Noʻeau II’s elementary school curriculum. After the completion of the training, Junior Mentors will have the opportunity to serve as cross-age peer mentors during the summer STEM camps held at locations throughout Hawaiʻi.
You can contact us at info@kapilinanoeau.org with any questions or concerns at any time throughout the program.
Junior Mentors can receive up to $500 for participation in the training sessions. Full payments are made after the requirements of the program have been met.
In order to receive the full stipend, participants will need to complete all acceptance paperwork and attend all training sessions.
Training sessions will require Junior Mentors to be present for both virtual and in-person sessions 1-2 times a month for a total of 27 participation hours. Interested participants who complete training will be invited to serve as cross-age peer mentors during summer STEM camps. More information on the opportunity will be provided during the program and an information session will be held at that time.
Junior Mentors who do not attend training sessions will have their stipends reduced accordingly. Decisions regarding stipend reduction will be made on an individual basis. Please contact the Program Coordinator before missing a session to receive make-up assignments.
Training sessions will be held both virtually and in-person. There will be 3 virtual sessions (3 hours long) as well as 3 in-person sessions (6 hours long).
Transportation to and from training sessions are the responsibility of the Junior Mentor. Participants in need of assistance or accommodation for inter-island travel will be addressed on an individual basis.
If needed, Junior Mentors will be provided with a laptop and charger to use for the program. Equipment is to be returned in the same condition that they were loaned out in. Junior Mentors will need reliable internet service and a quiet place to participate in virtual training sessions. To participate in in-person training, Junior Mentors will need a reliable ride to and from the site.