Hawaiʻi ID/DD and Dementia Workshop
November 1, 2 & 3, 2023, 9:00am – 4:30pm, HST
Oʻahu Veterans Center, 1298 Kukila St, Honolulu, HI 96818, USA
Registration Fee $20.00
Best Practices in Caring for Adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities at risk of or who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.
This nationally acclaimed workshop was developed using the best evidence-informed care principles available in acknowledgment of the emerging need for professionals who are capable and comfortable with screening, assessing, and managing the interventions and supports related to caring for clients with dementia and intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Who Should Attend?
The workshop is appropriate for any staff with direct or ancillary care responsibilities of older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in both disability-related, health care, and aging-related agencies including, but not limited to DSPs, nurses, psychologists, behavior analysts, adult day staff, OT/PT/Speech/Activity staff, physicians, program managers, case workers, and administrative and supervisory staff. First responders and family members are also encouraged to attend.
Continuing Education Credits for Nursing and Social Work
- Valid for in person attendance only: This nursing continuing professional development activity is pending approval by Oregon Nurses Association, an accredited approver of the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation, for 14 nursing contact hours.
- Valid for in person attendance only: This program is pending approval by the National Association of Social Workers – Hawai`i Chapter for up to 14 Social Work continuing education contact hours.
- State licensure boards have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. Kathryn G. Pears and Kathleen M. Bishop and the planners of this educational activity have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
To receive a continuing education certificate, each individual must attend both days of the conference in person, sign in daily in person and complete the evaluation issued by the Healthcare Association of Hawaii (HAH). Please note; individuals who dial in by phone or attend virtually will not be eligible for continuing education credit.
General Workshop Questions Kathleen Bishop, PhD kathiebishop@the-ntg.org
Registration Questions Kathryn Pears, MPPM kathrynpears@the-ntg.org
NTG Website www.the-ntg.org
The NTG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ACL Grant # HHS-2021-ACL-AOD-DNCE-0099
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