Superfest Disability Film Festival at Pac Rim 2023

Superfest Disability Film Festival at Pac Rim 2023
We are delighted to partner with Superfest Disability Film Festival this year to bring the world’s longest running disability film festival to Hawaii in person for the first time ever! Since it first debuted in 1970, Superfest has become an eagerly anticipated international event—hosted by Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State. For decades, Superfest has celebrated cutting-edge cinema that portrays disability through a diverse, complex, unabashed and engaging lens. Superfest is one of the few festivals worldwide that prioritizes access for disabled filmgoers of all kinds. We are grateful to our partners at the Paul K. Longmore Institute Institute on Disability, and look forward to celebrating disability film together on the opening night of the Pacific Rim international Conference on Disability and Diversity!

Superfest hosted by Emily Smith Beitiks, the Interim Director, Paul K. Longmore Institute Institute on Disability