March 2023 CDS eNewsletter Release

Welcome to the March 2023 issue of the CDS Quarterly eNewsletter. Join us in celebrating Disability Awareness Month with special highlights in this issue that include:
✔️Director’s Corner: Dr. Holly Manaseri
✔️Featured Artist Alexandra McClurg w/ Annie Moriyasu & Make Art, Change Lives
✔️Release of Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)-TV Film
✔️Highlighting CDS projects & teams at Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity: BEAM Project / Ka Pilina Noʻeau, Project Hōkūlani, Hawaii APSE, HFEC Hawaiʻi Family Engagement Center and much more!!
✔️Celebrating the Legacy of Judith Heumann
✔️Announcing Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal opportunities w/ Dr. Raphael Raphael #ConferenceProceeding and #CFP #GlobalSouth
✔️ Seeking attendees for the Turn the Tables Virtual Reverse Job Fair hosted by CDS & Mitsubishi Electric Foundation
✔️ Recapping Hawaiʻi State Day at the Capitol hosted by Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities
✔️ Introduction to Project Ho’oku’i V inaugural Newsletter w/ Lisa Uyehara
✔️ “Journey to Wellness for Educators” with Tanya Mau from H-PEP Hawaii Positive Engagement Project cohort 6, Hawaiʻi Teacher Induction Center, and a Hawaii Teacher Voice.
✔️ Presenting CDS Disability and Diversity Certificate graduate student Melody Hazel: Hui ʻĀina Pilipili
✔️ Calling for high school scholars for the 2023-2024 Project Hōkūlani cohort …and much more.
Interested in being included in the next quarterly newsletter? Submit a request by the fourth Friday of the previous month at
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