Hawaii Project for Students who are Deaf Blind

Project Dates: 2003 – 2008
Funded by: AOD; Other MCHB; Other OSA funds; OSEP
The Hawaii Project for Children and Young Adults who are Deaf-Blind is committed to enhancing the outcomes for children and young adults who are deaf-blind and their families to live, go to school, play, work and have friends in their communities. Approximately 46 identified children and young adults who are deaf-blind are receiving special education, related services and transition services throughout the state of Hawaii.
Objectives/Major Activities: Project activities will increase identification of children who are deaf-blind; will increase the knowledge and skills of personnel; will result in systemic change and improved services; will build local capacity; and will produce effective outcomes for children and young adults who are deaf-blind and their families.
Unsual Features: This is the only project in the state working to support children and young adults who are deaf-blind and their families and service providers.
Expected Benefits: Objectives and activities are planned to achieve the following outcomes: (1) children and young adults who are deaf-blind will be identified; (2) children and young adults who are deaf-blind will be served by providers with the necessary knowledge and skills; (3) families of children and young adults who are deaf-blind will be empowered to address their needs.
Principal Investigators: Jessica Lundblad