Message of Support for Maui

CDS would like to express our deepest condolences and heartfelt support for the people of Maui amid these horrific wildfires that have claimed lives and destroyed the historic town of Lahaina, the former capital of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi and beloved home to many. 

We have been in communication with our Triagency partners, Hawaiʻi DD Council and Hawaii Disability Rights Center, as well as staff from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), our funder, to share information and identify resources to aid in emergency efforts and ongoing recovery efforts. 

We will continue to share information as we look to help mobilize resources for affected individuals with disabilities, their families, and other Maui residents. In the meantime, here are some resources that might be helpful to share with those impacted and with stakeholder groups and your partner organizations. 

The Hawaiʻi Community Foundation (HCF) is in the midst of setting up emergency grants for Maui organizations that may have been affected by the fires or are carrying on emergency response work for those affected by the fires. Maui organizations can email HCF at with requests or questions.

Other Resources:

For all of you also grieving with friends and family members impacted, please reach out so we can support you. If you would like to add to the available resources on how to assist Maui residents, please send these resources to Holly Manaseri at as she will continue compiling them. 

On behalf of CDS,

Lauren Lum Ho
Interim Director
Center on Disability Studies (CDS)
College of Education – University of Hawai’i at Mānoa