Jobs Med: Higher Abilities

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Project Dates: 2005 – 2006

Funded by: CMS (formerly HCFA)


Hire Abilities – Hawaii, a work incentives-employment initiative, was funded as a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant in 2004. This grant had the strong support of the Governor and the Medicaid Single State Agency, the Department of Human Services (DHS). The DHS meets the full eligibility Personal Assistance Services (PAS) criteria to apply for the 2007 Basic Medicaid Infrastructure Grant.
The aim of the project is the removal of Medicaid systems barriers to competitive employment. This will be accomplished by the development of a work incentives outreach and education infrastructure to promote the value of work to people with disabilities and heighten awareness of the federal and state government initiatives that support employment without the lost of healthcare benefits.


  • Department of Education (Hawaii)
  • University of Hawaii – College of Education
  • Center on Disability Studies
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Human Services
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Adult Mental Health Division (Hawaii)
  • Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division
  • Hawaii Center on Independent Living
  • Hawaii Services on Deafness
  • Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
  • One Stop Centers
  • Work Force Development Council
  • Social Security Administration (Community Work Incentives Coordinators)
  • VSA Arts (National)
  • VSA arts of Hawaii-Pacific
  • National Endowment for Arts
  • Native Hawaiian Artists Cooperative