My Voice My Choice

Project Dates: 2007 – 2010
Funded by: OIDD
My Voice, My Choice is a Youth Information, Training, and Resource Center whose aim is to infuse self-advocacy into existing adult self-advocacy activities in Hawaii and the region. My Voice, My Choice will respond to the following areas of emphasis: education, employment, and quality assurance (self-advocacy). The purpose of the Center is to improve education and employment outcomes for youth by giving them a greater voice in the development of policies and services that affect their choices.
The goals and objectives of this grant are to:
- Develop a cadre of youth and emerging youth to serve as effective self-advocacy leaders
- Provide information and training on post-secondary education and employment opportunities for youth and emerging youth leaders
- Support emerging self-advocacy efforts in Hawaii with infusion of a youth component.
This center provides Hands on Mentoring Support for members of the Youth Advisory Council as well as an opportunity for youth and emerging leaders to attend national leadership opportunities.
Principal Investigators: Steven Brown