APPLAUD (Action Plan to Include People Labeled and Underserved because of Disability in Volunteer Service)

Project Dates: 2006 – 2008
Funded by: United States Department of Health and Human Services; Health Resources and Services Administration; National Institutes of Health; US Department of Education
The APPLAUD Project (Action Plan to Include People Labeled and Underserved because of Disability in Volunteer Service) partnered with the Hawaii Commission for National and Community Service, the Self-Advocacy Advisory Council (SAAC), in a contractual arrangement and CDS’ Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) to identify and enroll people with disabilities in National Service (AmeriCorps) programs and to work to ensure these experiences are positive ones leading to retention and continued coordination between AmeriCorps and disability organizations. APPLAUD worked with the aforementioned entities to create and fill 1-2 AmeriCorps slots within the 18-month period of the grant. APPLAUD facilitated training recruitment, and justification of program goals leading to sustainability of volunteers with disabilities in national service beyond the period of the grant.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Steve Brown
Team: Steve Brown, Madeline Harcourt