HPPEP: Hawai'i Preschool Positive Engagement Project
New H-PEP Project (2021 - 2024)!
The Hawaiʻi Positive Engagement Project’s (H-PEP) mission is to innovatively address Native Hawaiian parent, educator, and student needs that have been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a training grant with an evaluation piece and not considered research. See project description or the website: https://cds.coe.hawaii.edu/hpep/.

Project Dates: 2008 – 2011
Funded by: US Department of Education – Native Hawaiian Education Program
The project objectives were to: 1) Improve early learning outcomes for at-risk preschool students through a unique grouping of research-based school and home interventions, 2) Build protective factors of families with preschool students by facilitating parental positive engagement through the use of a research-based home intervention, and 3) Address the professional development needs of teachers and staff in the field of Early Childhood Education, in which Native Hawaiians are underemployed, by building knowledge of existing behavior and classroom management strategies. Culturally relevant training and support were provided for classroom components Check-In Check-Out Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and parent component First Step to Success homeBase Plus, including book making using Storytelling for the Home Enrichment of Language and Literacy Skills.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jean Johnson
Contact: Dr. Naomi Rombaoa Tanaka
Team: Jean Johnson; Naomi Rombaoa Tanaka; Susan Mrazek; Tri Le; Leah Whitney, Priscilla Sen