Staff Development Training

Staff Training sign with collection of pencils

Project Dates: 2004 – 2005

Funded by: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation


The American Samoa University Center for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is located at the American Samoa Community College which is the only institution of higher learning in the territory. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation identified the need to enhance the quality of services to individuals with disabilities by providing staff development within their agency. Within the agreement AS-UCEDD provided technical assistance in program development, facilitate comprehensive personnel development programs, develop training module on Code of Professional Ethics, and to provide ongoing training in needed areas.


  1. Collaboration with agency
  2. Professional development
  3. Establishment of ethics within the workplace
  4. Natural Supports Training on determining differences in Traditional Supported Employment Services and the implementation of a Natural Support Model.

Primary Contact: Tafaimamao Mamea