The Animal In Me – Creating Totems

Download Identifying your power animal; creating class connections Students will: * Gain knowledge and understanding how different cultures relate to the attributes of different animals. * Learn how our observations of these different animal attributes may teach us about our own attributes.


Soaring Like a Kite – Lele Ka Lupe

Download Setting & supporting goals Students will: * Use the analogy of a kite to think about what it takes to achieve goals * Build and decorate a kite that represents their goals and dreams (on the top) as well as what will support them to do well (underneath).


Skills & Interests Survey

Download Identifying skills, interests, and passions of a group * Provide students with a chance to identify some of their skills, interests and passions * Allow a group to learn about each other’s unique and common strengths and interests * Provide information about students that enables teachers to build relevancy and relationships


Power of the Word

Download Learning about the power of words Students will: - Understand Hawaiian thinking about the power of words - Consider how this ‘Ōlelo No’eau (historical saying) can help people think & speak pono thoughts


Paddling Progressions

Download Understanding the canoe to help set goals Students will: - Learn about canoe paddling in Hawaiian culture to gain understanding of the importance of patience, responsibility, support systems, and having a destination to paddle to. - Participate in an activity that teaches critical thinking, collaboration, and observation skills. - Revisit personal goals and apply new learning about the canoe to help achieve them.


My Symbol – Ku‘u Hō‘ailona

Download Identifying relationships to nature Students will: * Develop a deeper understanding of who they are * Build deeper connections with the world/environment around them * Grow respect for all life and its unique and relevant expressions


My Mixed Plate

Download Exploring roots & preferences Students will: * Learn about family and personal connections to community and culture * Develop deeper understandings about each other to build a strong learning community * Create & share a collage of personal connections to Home, Host, Local, & Global cultures


My Impression

Download Making Polynesian designs, shapes, and symbols Students will: - Gain knowledge about Polynesian designs, shapes, and symbols - Deepen understanding of connections to the environment and things important - Create a representation of self


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