Two Wolves Inside

Download Struggling with Good vs Bad Students will: * Learn that every human faces the same struggle choosing to be good instead of bad. * Provide students with new “tools” to help them have positive thoughts and feelings about themselves, others and life in general.Main ideas to be shared during the workshop: 1. Forces of Good & Bad 2. Thoughts Become Things 3. Love is letting go of fear 4. Happiness is only a thought away* Discuss prevalent issues in their lives and/or school * Brainstorm ways to reduce the challenges and stress they face everyday


Think Before You Act

Download Strategies for Kōnane and life Students will: * Create a Kōnane game set and learn how to play this game * Be introduced to strategies for success relevant to Kōnane as well as life * Participate in a Kōnane tournament to apply knowledge of strategies


The Golden Rule

Download A universal guide to living pono Students will learn about the universal truth of the Golden Rule and how this understanding might be incorporated into everyday life to support e ola pono, living pono (doing the ‘right thing’).


Slam Poetry – I Got Issues

Download Hawai‘i Slam Poets personify issues impacting youth Students will… * Identify social and emotional issues that come up for many youth * Discuss prevalent issues in their lives and/or school * Brainstorm ways to reduce the challenges and stress they face everyday



Download Understanding different points of view Students will: * Better understand listening/communication skills * Learn there are many ways to look at the same thing * Be aware that our personal perspectives make us who we are * Recognize that individual differences keep relationships interesting * Learn that different points of view can be useful


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